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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's all about family

Now that Jane and I are settled (more or less) into our new home, we are beginning to think of long-range plans for our lives. Jane was adopted as a baby, and so we've wondered if we wanted to adopt. Recently, at a hospital maternity ward, we saw the CUTEST baby, and we so wanted to have him as our own:

The baby even resembles members of my own family! Below, from the days before I was a drunken severed head, are pictures of a young cousin coming to visit me in my home in St. Louis. First, a photo of us being movie-watchin' couch potatoes:

And a pic of a farewell handshake:

Sadly, my cousin's wrist stitches were loose and his hand popped off in my palm! (I'm known to pop off on occasion myself-- especially after having Popov!) Luckily, Cuz's paw was later put back on by his doctor.

Apparently, losing body parts (hands, heads, etc.) runs in my family...


  1. Thanks!

    Are you willing to be a godfather? Or even a god?

  2. At least it appears to be circumsized! Or was that pre-circumsized? Super-circumsized?
