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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Frankensteins on parade!

The other day I got the movie Frankenstein Conquers the World in the mail, and had also just bought a copy of Mary Shelley's novel that had a critical essay that I didn't already own. My wife Jane smiled, shook her head and sighed, "You and your Frankenstein fetish."

Yes, I have a Frankenstein fetish (strictly in the platonic sense of the word, of course; I swear me and the big green guy are only friends.)

I mention all this as an excuse to share pictures of the Frankenstein Monster I saw on the 'net recently.

First, a B & W version of a color Franky foto found at Frankensteinia, (one of the best blogs in whole weird wide blogosphere); currently, proprietor Pierre Fournier is running a tribute to the late Mike Thomas. Mike, who was an actor, professional makeup artist and classic monster movie fan, died on August 24; his passing is being mourned by the many fans he entertained annually at horror film conventions.

The picture above comes from the 2000 film Mistress Frankenstein.

Below is one example of the Frankenstein Monster art to be found at A Patchwork of Flesh, a blog gallery of Frankenstein portraits by various contributors, all done on 2.5" by 3.5" cards. I've spent a LOT of time looking at the pictures there!

Title: Bring Me The Head Of Peter Cushing Artist: El Indio (colored pencil and ink)

The next two pics come from the recent dvd release of the 1960s UK series, Mystery and Imagination. That's Ian Holm of LOTR as the Monster; he also plays Victor Frankenstein in the episode.

Finally, I saved the funniest for last. Cartoonist Dave Lowe's blog Para Abnormal is another of all my all-time favorites; here is his monstrous parody of Gilbert Stuart's famous painting of George Washington. I love it. (Note the picture of Mary Shelley on the table.)

The Stuart painting isn't the only classic painting to receive the Para Abnormal treatment. You MUST check out his version of Wyeth's Christina's World.

Lowe's blog features a slew (pun intended) of horror-related funny one-panel cartoons, are drawn in his smooth comic style. Check it out!


  1. Ian Holm as Frankenstein's monster!? That is some of the weirdest casting I ever heard of! I mean, what is he, about 5'6", or something?

  2. "It is well. I go. But remember; I shall be with you on your wedding night."
