Special Pages

Friday, February 26, 2010

When it snows, it pours...

I looked out my front door and the wind is blowing very hard. AND it's snowing--completely horizontally! I've never seen snow going totally sideways before!

When there's snow on the roads, you need salt. You could ask these guys where to find it:

The Salt Men of Iran

Here's the severed head of one of 'em with an educational message about this link:


  1. We got hammered here yesterday too. Of course I was on the roads all day!!!! Stressed out Mom alert! :P

    Anyhow Max. If you wouldn't mind rolling your drunken head self over to my blog, I've got something there for you. An award!! Cause I think you're just awesome. :P


  2. By "hammered" I mean, with snow and wind. :P Not in the "drunken head" way.

  3. Laura sent me over from her blog to vote for ya as Best Horror Blog; so I did! Good luck and I hope you win (for Laura's sake, since I don't know you - smile)


  4. Thank you, lovely Lisa lady!

    A million units of gratitude energy are being beamed your way!
