Special Pages

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hell Bus IS BACK!

Jolly Holly and me, by golly!

Holly Goyle's HELL BUS blog is back after a time-out due to an injury and Halloween season commitments, and I'm very happy about this. Holly not only posts cool stuff at her devilish depot, but she is one of the organizers every year of a popular haunt in New Albany, Indiana near Louisville, Ky, the Haunted Culbertson Mansion. Proceeds go to restoration/preservation for the historic Mansion and its grounds and carriage. Often, she appeared as a seven-foot-plus gargoyle lurking in the shadows within the haunt.

You can see her as a gargoyle in her newest post, "How I Spent My Summer Vacation." Reading it, you'll see it was a class assignment from "The School of Hard Knocks."

This past spring I sprung a surprise on hellacious Holly--she and her husband Dan got a visit from the Voodoo Queen and I. You can tell a lot about a person from their home! Here are pics from inside her lovely abode (You'll see why Jame and I think so much of the terrible two.) :

Here's video I took of Holly explaining the final 'gag' in the Halloween tour of the Culbertson Mansion and Carriage House, where customers had to climb into a coffin at the end.

The video's sideways because, hey, I'm only a severed head with an appalling lack of balance. (Besides, I like imagining people tilting like their heads like dogs hearing an odd noise as they watch it!)

Holly reminds me of the reformed Scrooge at the end of A Christmas Carol, except in her case, she knows hows to keep Halloween in her heart all the year 'round!

1 comment:

  1. I love that in the sword room there's a kitty abode. Kitties and swords. And bats and gargoyles and Ouija boards. It's like my house, minus the swords, although I am trying to talk Sam into letting me take up the fine art of sword swallowing, and perhaps fire eating as well. I could get some swords then. :)
