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Monday, July 7, 2008


John Phillip Law, the handsome star of such films as BARBARELLA, DANGER: DIABOLIK, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING, THE SERGEANT, TARZAN THE APE MAN, and THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINDBAD, died very recently-- just this past May. He died at age 70, but looked much younger; he might have had many more years in films ahead of him. His performances in "Russians" and "Sergeant" were affecting ones. He'll be missed.

Video footage of him having silly fun while attending a UBANGIS rock concert, has surfaced at the Trash Palace blog. (Regular readers know I like the Ubangis a lot.) To see this handsome charming actor being a kid again, while enjoying the musical nuttiness of Brain Horrorwitz and his crew, go here.

So what are you waiting for?

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