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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween: Assorted associations

One of the best things about Halloween in the blogosphere is seeing the variety of what people post, and how it reminds you of similar things you've seen.

My first example-- over at the Sailormoms' blog you can download a virtual video slot machine game with a horror theme called "Scary Slots." That reminded me of a real world pinball machine with a horror theme called "Scared Stiff" that I saw last week. It was based on Elvira's TV show. Here are some pictures:

My friend John Rozum features great Halloween-related covers of The New Yorker at his blog, and that reminded me of a recent horror-themed New Yorker cover that I thought was an instant classic:

The current financial crisis as the Red Death, featuring Lon Chaney's Red Death costume design from The Phantom of the Opera. Beautiful.

Here's an attractive autumnal New Yorker cover done by Gahan Wilson in 2002:

From last year comes this great Dick Cheney jack-o-lantern cover:

Which one "pieplate" has turned into an actual jack-o-lantern:

You can see more photos of this Cheney carving on Flickr.

Finally, here's classic art created by Charles Addams for an October New Yorker issue cover. Look closely at the jack-o-lantern in the foreground:

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