Special Pages

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Now that the Voodoo Queen and I have a new pet--a black- and-sickly yellow* striped garter snake--I've decided to hold a contest to name it. I've already gotten one entry from a friend--"Sassy." If you think you can do better, send in your suggestion and YOU COULD WIN A LOUSY $5 and a prize OF YOUR CHOICE from THIS page! If I get at least 10 entries in response to this post, I'll choose one from those submitted and send off the fiver and prize right away!

Send in your entry in the comments section here, or to drunkenseveredhead[at]gmail[dot]com.

*Appropriate colors here in Steeler town!


  1. Based on the garter snake's scientific name, Thamnophis, I would suggest Tammy. This, by the way, is an appropriate name for a she-snake. A arter snake, by definition, is female. If it was a male, it would be a trouser snake. Badang-boom! Thank you very much. You're a great crowd.

  2. And the contest is off to a great start! Thank you!

  3. I may disqualify myself for multiple entries but I am such a rogue. My favorite would be "Prince Randian" (you may wish to google this to see distastefully why)..The two of you Max and Jane are such a happy couple this could be your "Son Set" as in the serpent of course...enough wordplay, "Comma" is a nice name. You may want to place a plastic apple in with it and call it "Temptation" for a nice Edenic feel. Given his limbless demeanor finally just plain "Joe the ex-carpenter" may be apropos. Congrats on the new friend! p.s. if I win please give the lousy 5 bucks toward wingless fruit flies for Junior to eat ( :

  4. I always thought that "Fluffy" and "Snuggles" were good names for snakes. I'd come up with something better, but I saw what the prizes were.

  5. How about Quetzlcoatl? I avoided the joke answer of John Holmes. Garter snakes don't get THAT big.


  6. Tarlsi.

    No reason except that's the word verification on this comment.

  7. Janet

    of course I'm referring to "Dammit, Janet..." Or, you could go with Denis, which is a fine, upstanding name ("does that say Denis or Penis...?")

  8. Hey irockmadpumas! You just made (scotch and) soda come through my nose! (Sorry folks, private joke.)

    Mike, Rob, Packy and John--

    You guys always make me laugh!



  9. A perfect name for your snake would be Alice Cooper!

  10. I think you should name the snake "Dubya" after one of the biggest snakes of all time
