Special Pages

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Just saw Thanksgiving and Christmas items in a Walgreen's today! Eccch!

The talented editorial cartoonist Mike Thompson of the Detroit Free Press has predicted the future of this trend in this trenchant cartoon:


Mike Thompson's website.

Thanks to friend Craig Wichman for reminding me of this classic cartoon.


  1. I've been seeing a few Halloween items and fall-y stuff, but no Christmas stuff yet.

    It's quite early for that - most stores don't even have their Halloween decorations out!

  2. 'Welcome, Max.

    I've seen many cartoons treating that subject - but none better!

    Happy Holdaze,

  3. What disturbs me is seeing stores that have already started putting out Christmas stuff when the Halloween stuff is still absent.

    The Back to School stuff is kept out for longer than the Halloween stuff at some stores now.
