Dear fellow Americans, concerned citizens, weirdos, and supporters--
YOU can make the Presidency of The Drunken Severed Head a reality!
I don't mean by getting each TDSH reader to vote 250,000 times (my previous strategy), or by getting enough voters drunk so that they make a mistake on the ballot (another previous strategy), but by indirect means.
By buying toys.
Specifically, dolls. More specifically, these dolls:
John McCain
Barack Obama
(If you want a cuddlier Obama doll to stick pins into-- then consider buying this doll.)
Yep, buy these dolls and stick pins in 'em. Repeatedly. America needs the leadership of The Drunken Severed Head for a spell, (because you recognize I'm the only candidate with enough liquor in him to squarely face America's problems) and a spell oughtta get me into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!
Images property of the owner(s), no rights inferred or infringement intended.
It looks like Larry King is using you for a voodoo doll in the previous post, sticking in those special American flag pins--which are the ones you use if you want someone to get elected to office.
Of course, if you are the doll, who is the actual candidate?
A mystery wrapped with an enigma...and wearing a pair of red suspenders.
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