Sunday, October 5, 2008

31 Days of Halloween: Halloween magazine #1, Pt. 2

Couple of days ago I printed some art from one the first magazines I ever owned that featured a Halloween-themed issue, the October 1968 edition of Jack And Jill magazine. Jack And Jill, like other children's magazines, featured letters, artwork, and poetry from their young readers. Here's some samples from this issue:

Dear JACK AND JILL: I was born in Waco, Texas. I have a cat named Susy. She is all black. I think she goes off with a witch on Halloween. Lori C., 10 years

From a J & J feature called NEWS NOTES:

RAY K., 8, writes in about the magazine, called "Pumpkinhead," he publishes on his typewriter. He also draws a cartoon. Ray sells his drawings to friends.

A poem sent in by a 10-year-old reader named Elizabeth W. :


I like the woods in autumn
When dry leaves hide the ground,
When the trees are bare
And the wind sweeps by
With a lonesome, rushing sound.

Very effective writing for a young kid!

Now, here's the rest of the best art and activity pages from the issue. Enjoy! (All rights retained by Curtis Publishing and all images will removed on request by request of the rights holders.)

The puns found above prepared me for the puns by editor Forry Ackerman that later I encountered in Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine. That magazine featured a page feature that I remember being similar in style to the "gazette" (though aimed at older kids), called "Professor Gruebeard." Coincidentally, the president of Curtis Publications, the publisher for Jack And Jill, was one Marty Ackerman.

Art for the last two images above by Robert Jefferson.

1 comment:

Prof. Grewbeard said...

hi there! how odd! i just did a posting on Jack and Jill October 1967 on my blog!


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