I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Kim. The variant covers of the debut issue of the revived Famous Monsters magazine illustrate the conversation and can be seen to the right of the text. Mr. Kim graciously answered a few questions by e-mail and phone; our dialogue follows.
What's your first memory of Famous Monsters of Filmland?

You once played a Martian in a film titled Flying Saucer Rock and Roll. Will we be seeing you in mask or makeup in the new FM magazine, in the tradition of former FM publisherJames Warren and former editor Forrest J. Ackerman?
I hope so. I came into this field as a filmmaker. I have produced two feature films in the last 3 years. The first was Radio Free Albemuth, one of Philip K. Dick's last published books, and Downstream, an original story I wrote. I was in both of them as a cameo.
Let's say I am a 20 year old college student who likes horror, sci-fi, and fantasy. (Let's say that because I'd sure like to be 20 years old again!) Why should I read Famous Monsters of Filmland?
Because it's awesome. Well because we are going to make it awesome. When I first took over the mark 2 1/2 years ago, I tried desperately to create something exactly like the original Warren- published FM. After spending an enormous amount of time beating my head against the wall, it dawned on me. Forrest J Ackerman's legendary following happened not because of puns or editorials but because of his love of the genre. He wanted to share the knowledge of film making, bring the nuts and bolts of movie magic to teenage boys that later went on to create unimaginable and epic worlds. He was the primer that gave us some of the greatest story tellers we have ever known. That became our mission.
Mimicking a 52 year old magazine 52 years later would certainly not excite the next crop of Peter Jacksons and Guillermo Del Toros. We needed to understand and reproduce the spirit of Forry with a cutting edge feel. The last 27 years was a historical remembrance of FM. The original FM was pretty cutting edge and risque at the time if you remember and it had to be for teenage boys to be interested.
Let's pretend I'm a 53 year old film buff who liked the original FM as a kid. (I say "Let's pretend" because I'm, of course nowhere near that old, and NO, you can't see my driver's license.) What will I like about about the new FM?

What's going to be fun about this for you? What is going to be the single biggest challenge about it for you personally?
Well, my job entails hanging out with Bela Jr., Sara Karloff and Ray Bradbury while we are throwing Carla Laemmle's centennial birthday in Hollywood. I get to open up the magazine to legendary artists like Rich Corben, Stout and Basil Gogos. I get to work with some of the most creative and experienced people in our industry like editors Michael Heisler and Jessie Lilley. I have the most diligent and intelligent staff any publisher could wish for and a family that is nothing but supportive. I have to stop now, cause I think I am the luckiest man alive or maybe I just took the blue pill.
My biggest challenge is having enough time to enjoy all of this with the people that I love. It really has become my whole life and then some. Good thing I enjoy it.
You're a writer. Name one genre film, new or old, you could write about with ease and affection. And do you see yourself contributing to the website and the magazine occasionally?
I love post apocalyptic, dystopic stories and Zombie movies. Ya, I kinda live there. My favorite film of all times? Well, I have two: Road Warrior and Dawn of the Dead. I plan on contributing my narratives in the future issues. The readers can take the journey with me as I write my next feature film.

I really am fairly simple. I grew up an immigrant's son so I have a lot of old fashion values of hard work and loyalty. But I also love beautiful things and I especially live for a good story. I'd rather be known for the good I've done in the world than the bad. So I work hard to make that happen. I hope I succeed but I'll only know at the end.
I'm hoping you succeed too! And I'm expecting you will. But, um, isn't there even one teeny-weeny little eccentricity you can share?
Well, I always pick up the tab for lunch or dinner for my employees-- but with a caveat. They have to finish everything or give me the leftovers! Because I can't stand waste!
Sounds like you are someone we need in Washington. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions.
My pleasure.
May you have great success, Phil.
It's been a while since I read FM (and no, I won't show my driver's license either) but you've intrigued me to pick it up again.
Great interview!
It sounds like an awesome magazine. I'm sure that he will do well with it.
Thanks, Max.
Phil, as I've already said to Mike & Jessie: I'm impressed by what you guys have done so far, and wish you all the best with what is to come!
-Craig Wichman
Wow! You're local library carried FM!?
Great interview! I hope you have great success with th mag!
That was the best interview...okay wait maybe the second best interview :D
Thanks so much for sharing. Really looking forward to this.
When I first heard of the return of FMOF, my response was Meh. It cannot be like Uncle Forry's magazine. It'll probably end up another slasher/blood-n-gore/spam in a cabin fan magazine.
Your interview with Mr Kim has given me hope that this will be the return of something special from someone really interested in taking FMOF to great new heights.
Looking forward to seeing the first issue.
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