On Christmas Day, Jane the Voodoo Queen and I went to visit friends Bill and Ariann. Their home looks something like a cross between the house in
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the house on
The Addams Family.Just the sort of place to put us in a festive mood!
For example, this is the sight that greets you on the left as you enter the house:

Of course, above you see how things look with the flash on. The room really looks more like this:

But don't think the house wasn't Christmas-y. There was a beautifully decorated Christmas tree right next to the sarcophagous:

There were even some normal, non-horror-lovin' relatives of Bill's there to help balance the celebrational situation. (It truly takes all kinds to make a world.) Of course, I didn't take
their pictures for this blog. But here's a pic of our host and hostess being attacked by Zombie Claus, who made a brief appearance to make the evening more cheerful:

Jane was fearless in approaching the the undead old elf:

More on the gory gaiety and dark decor tomorrow...
Jealous! *bows repeatedly* We're not worthy! We're not worthy!
Excellent decor.
Holly and A.L.--
You are both worthy readers of hexquisite taste.
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