Maybe I'm a turkey for promoting/applauding something I had a hand in (but it's Thanksgiving, so eat me.) But I'm really, truly pleased to share a heart-warming article today that celebrates this Vincent Price birthday centennial year.
Journalist Raymond Castile and I have co-authored an article sharing the thoughts and experiences of a number of Price's fans (including the ever-thoughtful Tim Lucas of
Video Watchdog and the never-thoughtful me) and those of Price co-stars David Hedison, Brett Halsey, Charles Herbert & Terry Moore. Raymond and I attended the impressive St. Louis Vincentennial, and
he did some great interviews there. I attended the Monster Bash Octoberfest later, and
I did some interviews about Vincent Price there.
If that's not enough,
Famous Monsters of Filmland issue #254 celebrates the Vincent Price centennial and can be ordered
Art by R.J. Shay for the Vincentennial at the Star Clipper gallery in St. Louis. |
More of Raymond’s acclaimed reportage and photography is found in the fine first issue of Monsterpalooza magazine, which has very nice work by a number of writers and artists. Order it
And I should add that the impressive second issue of
Undying Monsters commemorates well 100 years of Vincent Price. Find it
I love what Vincentennial organizer Tom Stockman accomplished. I loved Ron Adam's Monster Bash (where Price's co-stars appeared.) And my Rondo-winning friend Raymond is a talented, perceptive reporter and writer. I'm grateful to all of them!
And of course, any spotlight on Vincent Price is welcome to my eyes. Yours too, I'm guessing. Happy Thanksgiving!