Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm late, I'm late!

Almost a month ago, iZombie (Jeremy) of the iZombielover blog, where zombies and zombie art rule, gave me and some other blogs his first "Zombie Rabbit Award."

Thanks, iZombie! I may not get the "Best Blog" Rondo Award I'm nominated for, but by gawd, I got a Zombie Rabbit! (Is it Peter Rottentail?) I'm delighted! Not many folk can say they have one!

I fear getting infected if I get too close to the monitor, or possibly attacked by zombie fleas, but I'm delighted all the same.

Having a Zombie Rabbit Award is a singular thing, and makes me very hoppy. (Oh, c'mon, you knew I was going to do that. I'm like your dad with my jokes.)

Below are a coupla very cool photos served to us by iZombie. Stop by his blog and check out the munching undead art and photos on view.

I think on the occasion of the coming holiday I'll introduce the Zombie Rabbit to the grisly-but-cute Easter Blowfish.


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Congrats! Most deserved of you!!

And...he does have a great blog dosen't he?!?!

Thanks as always!


Jeremy [Retro] said...

thanks for the kind words, you are well deserving of this and any award... the easter blowfish made my zombie run and hide, then he licked the screen... then i whacked him with the paper, he ran and his again!



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