Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rondo run run run, da doo run run

The Rondo award, a prize to recognize achievements in classic horror and fantasy, was the subject of some argument and controversy recently. The first declared winner of the Best Writer of the Year award, Sam Borowski, won the award not by publishing an acclaimed book, article or script in 2006, but by questionable means.

The Rondo awards, in most categories, are determined by a vote.

Finally, he did the right and courageous thing and gave back the award, allowing the ethically rightful winner, Tim Lucas, (a novelist and noted film critic) to be named "Writer Of The Year".

I've been calling Sam "Sam O. Borowski". I'm glad he relented on embodying the initials!

Here's a link to an entry on Tim Lucas:

Since I could find no picture of Tim Lucas, the author, I include a picture of Tim Lucas the salesman of Bobcat equipment in Knoxville, TN. He watches movies, too.

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